Most hormone filled guys constantly have their eyes open for a possible girlfriend, it's instinct. While we’re still young, we’re looking for the dream girl. The dream girl is different for every person, but I feel like in college we don’t compromise in looking for our dream girl. After college, we might make a few concessions. Furthermore, if we’re 33 and still single, we’ve compromised enough that’s we’re just trying to mate to continue to our family name. But, I digress. We’re talking about the dream girl.
Rose-Colored Glasses - One of the best things about meeting a new girl is that they have no personality flaws. There’s so much mystery to them, that we don’t imagine personality flaws we just imagine what we want, filling in the gaps with ideal hopes. And on top of that, if the new girl we meet passes the physical description of dream girl (once again different for every guy), we put on the rose-colored glasses.
Hooked - After the rose-colored glasses are put on, the girl can do no wrong. There isn’t anything she can say that will hamper our opinion of her. I mean she started out a dream girl, and she’ll stay that way for a little bit. So you might make some small talk, and she’ll say something about herself. Most of the time it doesn’t matter what she says, but you’ll feel like she said the perfect thing. Your heart will start racing and you’ll think, “She’s perfect for me.” She could say something as simple as oh I love skiing, and instantly you’re hooked.
About 9 strikes - After the rose-colored glasses and the hook, the dream girl becomes a baseball inning with about 9 strikes. Once the guy is hooked, it will take multiple efforts from the girl to deter him. I mean you started out as the dream girl, and he felt like there’s a connection, so he’ll hang around for a little while for sure, I mean it takes awhile to get up to 9 strikes.
Guys, continue to dream big, but know that you embellish what you don’t know about the girl. And girls, tread softly for you tread on our dreams.