Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cell Phone Ringtones

Here’s a fun game to play with your family, or better yet your significant other’s family.  At any family gathering, especially holidays, tell everyone to take out their cell phones and play their ringer and you try to guess which person has which ringer.  Here’s a quick description of the types of people you’ll run into based solely on their ringtone.
Silent -  College kid.  No one else’s time is that important.  They don’t want to bother others with their phone going off.  Actual calls are clearly less important than text messages because they miss basically every call.  They love deciding when to check their phone, possibly when actual face to face conversations have died, and they also love having missed texts.  You know, that feeling when you check your phone and boom, 6 new text messages.  Ah, that’s a good day.
Vibrate-  College kid still looking for a job.  They’ve recently changed to vibrate after missing a few unknown number phone calls.  They hold onto hope that the call is from a prospective employer when most of the time it turns out to be some random number or something unimportant and further validates why they don’t answer unknown numbers.  They like knowing when their texts have arrived, but they don’t immediately respond to texts, and still use texting to avoid lulls in the conversation.
“All the single ladies” ringtone – Clearly the wild aunt.  She may or may not be married.  She’s trying to stay hip with the girls.  She’s also really excited that she knows how to work a smart phone and thinks it will impress the younger crowd.  If your family doesn’t have a wild aunt, the prototype you’re looking for comes from Mean Girls.
“Riding Dirty” ringtone – Cousin who forgot to upgrade.  This is the guy that was cool back in the day.  Remember 4 years ago when everyone had this ringtone.  Unfortunately the real life hit this cousin like a train wreck and they’ll never gotten around to upgrading their ringtone or their phone.
“Loud Beeps” - Parents.  They’re happy with their lives and really like all the gadgets on their cell phones.  Unfortunately they can never agree on a ringtone.  They say things like “I just want it to sound a normal telephone ring.” Well of course, there are no options like that on current cell phones.  When it rings, they hop around and try to locate where they put it last.  Often they pick up their spouse’s phone by mistake, before correcting themselves.
“Deafening Beeps” Grand-parents.  They were forced to get a cell-phone to put their children at ease.  We’ll use it for emergencies only, or just when we’re out driving.  So reluctantly the grand-parents got the phone and use it more than they expected.  --Side Note: Don’t text grandparents.  I recently checked my grandpa’s and they were 7 unread messages dating back 18 months.-- Even though many people didn’t know phone ringtones could reach this decibel level, it doesn’t bother or affect the grandparents.  They’ll be having a friendly conversation and their phone will go off.  Everyone in the room will acknowledge it except for them.  They’ll continue nodding with the conversation.  Someone will chime it, “your phone is ringing.”  “What?”  “Your PHONE is ringing!”  This interchange will happen long enough so they miss the call.
That’s the funny thing about cell phones.  It goes full circle.  Kids don’t pick up the phone because they don’t have enough time to talk and grandparents don’t pick up because they don’t have enough time to pick up.  Either way both calls go unanswered.

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