Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Presents that Last

Every year a week or so before Christmas I make a “what I want for Christmas list.”  This isn’t because I’m selfish and want to act like a five year old.  I do this because I want to force myself to reflect on the things that I value.  So take a moment and think about what you want for Christmas or the New Year.  Don’t corner yourself into something you can find at Wal-Mart, think more of it as if a genie gave you three wishes.  For example, this year the number one thing on my wish list is a job offer.  Unfortunately, I don’t think Santa has any job openings in the North pole, so it might go unsatisfied.  Another thing that pops up on my list is better relationships with my friends.  So I want you to take a moment and contemplate what you want for Christmas and then I’ll spend a few paragraphs talking about gifts that last.
Christmas was a time for getting when you were a kid.  Remember when you used to tear through a wrapped present to find a N64 or a new lego set and you just went wild.  Those were the days.  But now, a lot of people during Christmas times push the theme of “a season for giving.”  Giving is great, don’t get me wrong, but giving doesn’t last long enough.  Retail stores will agree since they absolutely need the holidays to squeak our of the red often times, but the buying doesn't last the whole year.  Also, giving to charity is only an itemized tax deduction, so that will last about a year if it exceeds your standard deduction (What’s up federal tax?).  And another thing, most people will be giving gift cards this Christmas because finding the right gift is just too hard.  So Christmas is no longer about getting or giving, but instead about spending time with your family, friends, and the experiences that come along with that.
This holiday season don’t be concerned with finding the perfect gift, because eventually everyone will realize that gifts fade away, the real gift is the time spent in the close company of your family.  Laughing about the good ole days, making fun of each other, and making jest about everyone’s personality quirks.
Sometimes the gift all someone wants is just your time.  Give your time to old friends.  In the end, people don’t remember the clothes they got for Christmas as these fade away in due time, but they will remember the good times they had with family and friends, and the experiences and relationships they made.

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